CCUSD Stabletokens
Credit Capital will offer a stabletoken in the form of CCUSD. It will be loaned out by a smart contract, running on the Fantom proof-of-stake blockchain, and backed by either commercial real-estate/bonds in the traditional market or whitelisted crypto assets such as Liquidity Pool Positions.
The aim of the protocol is to enable users to take loans in the form of stabletokens, which are fully collateralized backed by an asset basket that includes real estate.
The minting process will look like a loan being extended to the user, but the tokens will be minted at the time of loan initiation, and be destroyed upon being repaid to the lending contract.
This model can be seen as a spiritual successor to the commonly known DAI by MakerDAO, or more recently, MIM, provided by Abracadabra.
Any percentages mentioned in this documentation are estimates/examples, and should not be thought of as final amounts.